
应伟德国际betvlctor1946邀请,瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)建筑与环境技术学院的Roberto Crocetti教授和Per Johan Gustafsson教授将于511-13日来访。两位专家长期从事木结构科研与教学工作,是国际木结构领域的知名专家,简历见附件。













伟德国际betvlctor1946副经理 陆伟东教授致欢迎辞

王曙光 教 


Per Johan Gustafsson教授做报告


Roberto Crocetti教授做报告











Short CV – Per Johan Gustafsson, 2015




Name:               Per Johan Gustafsson

Address:                   Klarinettgränden 9A, SE-224 68  Lund, Sweden

Year of birth:   1952

Phone , e-mail:       +46 46 2224922,


Education and appointments

Civil Engineering:             Master of Science, Lund University, 1978

Building Materials:           Doctors Exam, Lund University, 1985

Structural Mechanics:       Docent, Lund University, 1991, and Professor, Lund University, 2001


Employment and present position

Teaching assistant, Mechanics, 1978-1979

Research assistant, Statics, 1979-1980

Research assistant, Building Materials, 1980-1987

Researcher, Structural Mechanics, 1987-1990

Senior Lecturer, Structural Mechanics, 1990-2001

Professor Structural Mechanics, Lund University, 2001-


Supervising and teaching

Main tutor of 8 doctoral and 5 licentiate theses research studies that are completed. Has been adviser for more than 30 master theses. Has taught several basic and/or advanced courses in structural mechanics, soil mechanics, classical mechanics and building materials.

Presently teaching basic soil mechanics and advanced structural mechanics.


Previous areas of research

  • Concrete: strength analysis and testing of various concrete materials and structural elements
  • Timber engineering: perpendicular to grain fracture, joints, modelling of fracture, duration of load and moisture effects
  • Fracture mechanics: concrete, wood, glulam, adhesive bonds and paper
  • Adhesive joints: strength, modelling, testing and innovative/optimal design
  • Network mechanics: application to fluff materials
  • Paper product mechanics: corrugated board/laminated paper board, testing/modelling, strength/reliability/creep/moisture effects/long duration of load effects
  • Hemp, flax and wood fibre composite materials: modelling and testing


Previous and Ongoing areas of research

·        Timber engineering: perpendicular to grain fracture, joints, modelling of fracture

·        Adhesive joints: strength, modelling, testing and innovative/optimal design



The list of publications comprises about 150 papers and monographs.



·         Internationally recognized expert in the field of computational fracture mechanics of wood

·         “Opponent”/”examiner” of more than 20 doctor/PhD theses presented in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada. Member of a large number of doctor theses examination boards. “Discussion leader” at several licentiate thesis presentations.

·         Paper and research funding application review assignments for several international journals (16) and research councils (5), respectively.

·         Project leader of several research projects including cooperation projects together with other universities and industry companies (in Sweden, Finland and Denmark).

·         Participation in two major European research projects and coordination in a Finish/Swedish and a Danish/Swedish research project.

·         Inventor of a glue-timber-joint system that has been patent approved in about 10 countries, including USA.

·         Established a significant long duration of load testing site.

·         Has given a number of invited lectures at international conferences. 

·         Member of the Vasa Ship Museum Preservation Council as timber mechanics expert.




Curriculum Vitae

Roberto Crocetti



Name and contact information

Name: Roberto Crocetti

Job: Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University and Limträteknik AB

Job address: Box 188, 221 00 Lund 

Home address: Floragatan 2, 212 21 Malmö, Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)46 222 9503


Native information

Date of birth: July 18, 1968

Place of birth: San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) - Italy

Nationality: Italian and Swedish

Languages: Italian (mother’s tongue), Swedish (fluent), English   (fluent)      




Oct. 2015-

20%: Structural Engineer at the company Limträteknik AB, Malmö.

80%: Professor in Structural Engineering, Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

Sept. 2013-

50%: Structural Engineer at the company Limträteknik AB, Malmö.

50%: Professor in Structural Engineering, Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

April 2010-

Professor in Structural Engineering, Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.


R&D Manager with coordination of research activities at the Department of “Building and Housing” (about 20 people) at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. Also supervising research projects in the field of timber engineering, timber bridges, timber connections, strengthening of timber structures and timber-concrete composite structures.

2007- 2010

Adjunct Professor in Timber Bridges, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel and Timber Structures, Chalmers University of Technology, SE 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

2004 - 2008

Designer of timber structures, especially timber bridges and R&D Manager at Moelven Töreboda AB,  SE-545 21 Töreboda, Sweden

2002 - 2004

Consultant engineer in the field of timber structures and external lecturer in Structural Engineering at different universities in Italy

2001 - 2002

Guest researcher at the department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.

1996 -2001

Research assistant at the department of Structural Engineering, Steel and Timber structures, Göteborg, Sweden

Academic Educations and Qualifications




PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Steel and Timber Structures Chalmers University of Technology. Title of the PhD thesis : “On some Fatigue Problems related to Steel Bridges”. Supervisor: Prof. Bo Edlund, Chalmers University of Technology. Opponent: Prof. Ulrike Kuhlmann, Stuttgart University, Germany.



1996 –2001:

Postgraduate studies (forskarutbildning) in steel and timber structures, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden.




5 months at the ATLSS Research Center, Lehigh University, Pa, USA (Supervisor: Prof. John W. Fisher).



October  1998:

Licentiate of Engineering in Steel and Timber Structures, Chalmers. (Title of the thesis: “Modular Bridge Expansion Joints: Loads, Dynamic Behaviour and Fatigue Performance”. Supervisor: Prof. Bo Edlund).



October 1995:

M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. (Title of the Master´s thesis: “2D and 3D modelling of concrete up to collapse; supervisor: Prof. Angelo Di Tommaso).



I have worked as teaching assistant and teacher for graduate students since 1997. The main courses that I have taught include:


-         Steel and Timber Structures, Master,  Chalmers, tutor, 1997-1998-1999

-         Advanced Steel Structures, Master, Chalmers, tutor, 1998-1999

-         Steel and Timber Structures, Master, Lund University, main responsible: 2010- to date

-         Bridge Engineering, Master, Lund University, main responsible: 2010 – to date

-         Timber Engineering, PhD, Lund University, main responsible: 2013

-         Stability of Structures, PhD, Lund University, main responsible: 2015


Design, Manufacture and erection of structures

I have worked as a structural engineer since 2002 and have designed a large number of timber structures, including large-span arches, curved beams, trusses, etc. both in Sweden and in Italy. I have also designed a few concrete structures and steel structures. I have designed about 20 timber bridges, both pedestrian and road bridges, with lengths up to 130 m and spans up to 60 m. The typologies of bridges designed were: simple girder bridges, stress-laminated bridges, stress-laminated box-beam and T-beam bridges, arch bridges and cable-stayed bridges. I have also participated during production and erection of the main structures that I have designed.




Supervision of master’s thesis

Between 1997 and 2015 I have supervised approximately 40 Master’s thesis in the field of structural Engineering


supervision of PhD students: on going


-          Anders Klasson, Lund University. Main supervisor. Anders is doing his PhD on bracing and stability of timber structures. Start: 2013. End: 2018.

-          Jonas Niklewsky, Lund University. Co-supervisor. Jonas is doing is PhD on durability of Timber bridges. Start 2013. End: 2018.

-          Erik Gottsäter, Lund University. Co-supervisor. Erik is doing is PhD on temperature-induced cracks in concrete bridges. Start 2015. End: 2020.

-          Gustaf Larsson, Lund University. He is doing his PhD in innovative timber connections. Start 2014. End: 2019


supervision of PhD students: Finalised


-          Kristoffer Ekholm, Chalmers University of Technology. Co-supervisor. Title of PhD thesis: "Performance of Stress-Laminated-Timber Bridge Decks" ( Defence: October 2013)

-          Anders Klasson, Lund University. Main supervisor. Title of licentiate thesis: “Bracing of slender steel and timber structures” (Defence: November 2015)

-          Hassan Mehri, Lund University. Main supervisor. Title of PhD thesis: “Bracing of steel bridges during construction” (Defence: Januari 2016)


Mentor for guest researcher and postdocs


-          Dr. Tiziano Sartori, University of Trento (2008-2009, 9 months), Research on innovative timber connections

-          Dr Simone Rossi, University of Trento (2012, 5 months), Research on timber structures

-          Dr Salaheddin Mamazizi, University of Teheran (2013 months), Research on shear buckling of slender steel girders.


Representation in international/national working groups

- Expert in ECCS-TC6 “European Convention for Constructional Steelwork” – Technical  Committee 6 – Fatigue, 1998-2001

- Member of the Technical Committee of The Swedish Glulam Association, since 2005            -  Expert in CEN/TC 124 WG3, “Glued-Laminated Timber”, 2006-2010

- Member of EC5 “Timber Structures”, 2009-2011

- Working group leader, COST Action FP1004 “Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures”, 2010-2015.

Examination board for phd


-           Johan Sjödin, Linneaus University. PhD-thesis defence: April 2008. (Member of the examination board). Title: “Strength and Moisture Aspects of Steel-timber Dowel Joints in Glulam structures - An Experimental and Numerical Study”.

-          Johan Vessby, Linneaus University. PhD-thesis defence: May 2008. (Opponent). Title: “Analysis of shear walls for multi-storey timber buildings”.

-          Haris Stamatopoulos, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.  PhD-thesis defence: March 2016. (Second Opponent). Title: “Withdrawal Properties of Threaded Rods Embedded in Glued-Laminated Timber Elements”

Research and Expertise Fields

Research Areas

The research topics that I have been working with have been:

-          Fracture mechanics of concrete structures

-          Dynamic behaviour and fatigue performance of modular bridge expansion joints

-          Fatigue performance of riveted railway girders

-          Fatigue performance of slender beams (web-breathing)

-          Strengthening of timber structures by means of self-tapping screws

-          Strengthening of timber structures by means of steel plates and carbon fibre laminates

-          Innovative composite bridges glulam-LVL

-          Load bearing capacity of LVL plates subjected to concentrated load

-          Static and dynamic behaviour of stress-laminate timber decks

-          Multi-storey post and beam timber buildings with special emphasis on bracing systems

-          Stability and Bracing requirements for steel bridges

-          Stability and bracing requirements for large-span timber structures

-          Innovative timber connections


My present research interests are in the field of timber engineering and steel structures, especially: timber connections, large-span structures, composite structures stability and bracing of slender structures. My expertise field is structural engineering in general.

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